
The power of environmental law

The program of the day:

  • The power of environmental law: 30 years of European environmental law - developments and perspectives, by Prof. em. Dr. Eckard Rehbinder (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
  •  Public involvement: from burdensome addition to essential element, by Prof. Dr. Jerzy Jendroska (Opole University, Poland) and Dr. Lorenzo Squintani (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)
  • Litigation and duties of states: can courts make a difference?, by Prof. Dr. Julien Bétaille (university of Toulouse, France) and Prof Dr. Gerd Winter (University of Bremen, Germany) 
  • Climate laws: Europe’s new hope? by Prof. Dr. Delphine Misonne (Université Saint-Louis, Belgium) and Prof. Dr. Marjan Peeters (Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
  • Zero pollution in 2050: which measures are necessary?, by Prof. Dr. Martin Führ (Darmstadt University, Germany) and Mr. Jeremy Wates (European Environmental Bureau)

VVOR vzw
Kerkstraat 108 - 9050 Gentbrugge
Tel. 09 233 48 66

De Vlaamse Vereniging voor Omgevingsrecht wil het debat aanmoedigen over alle recht dat betrekking heeft op de ordening en bescherming van de menselijke leefomgeving.
