
VVOR-Webinar serie I

The program of the day:

The Green Deal adopted by the Commission in December 2019 sets out the blueprint for a transformational change. In contrast to previous EU environmental programs, the Green Deal appears to be significantly more ambitious. However, it is being implemented in a piecemeal fashion with a flurry of strategies and twelve legislative proposals. The aim of the webinar is to give an overview of the legal challenges of the ongoing reform.

Host: Delphine Misonne, Université Saint-Louis, Belgium/Brussels


  • Nicolas de Sadeleer, Jean Monnet Chair, Université Saint-Louis, Belgium/Brussels
  • Alicja Sikora, Chair of European Law, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
  • Jerzy Jendrośka, Opole University, Poland

Debate with webinar participants


VVOR vzw
Kerkstraat 108 - 9050 Gentbrugge
Tel. 09 233 48 66

De Vlaamse Vereniging voor Omgevingsrecht wil het debat aanmoedigen over alle recht dat betrekking heeft op de ordening en bescherming van de menselijke leefomgeving.
